The following is my feeble assessment of a situation familiar to many of us. This may or may not be accurate. You can let me know how you feel about it. At any rate, here 'tis:
A common question in Christian circles (esp. collegiate ministry circles) is, "What are you learning in the Word?" It is understood in this question that the Word is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, commonly known as the Holy Bible. I think many believers tend to freak out just a bit when they hear that question, esp. if they don't have something clever to say right away. Then they usually search the vast recesses of their mind until they come up with something that sounds amazing or is at least suitable for the present conversation. Sometimes a brave soul will admit that they haven't been learning a great deal in God's Word recently. At other times, however, God really has been blessing our time in His precious Word and we have a great deal to share. Often in these moments, though, there isn't the time or really the interest to hear what God really is teaching us. Catch my drift?
Another part of the situation is often the question being posed back to the original question-poser. Now, depending on the level of friendship and trust, and maturity of the individuals, this may lend itself to one-upmanship. I've been a part of this art of one-upmanship before. I don't want to be caught with my pants down not having anything awesome to say from the Word of God so I have to come up with a worthy response. I've even found myself making sure beforehand that I have something to say about God's Word before I enter into situations where I anticipate this question being presented. That makes my manner of conversation more of a rehearsed show than a dialogue.
Still another part of the scenario is when we aren't even reading or thinking about God's Word. Then we really don't have anything to say and should probably spend our conversation talking about why God's Word isn't precious to us. His Word speaks of Jesus, the Christ, who is our salvation. If there is no interest in the Words that point to Him then we do need to talk about that. I pray that the Holy Scriptures never become distasteful to you or me and if and when they do that God would bless us with a fresh desire for His Word.
Maybe my observations or intuitions here are way off base or are just of myself. Maybe some of this resonates with you a bit. I love the question, "What are you learning in the Word?" and I love talking about it with people. I just don't want to feel like I'm rehearsed or part of the one-upmanship game. Maybe this is just a matter of me checking myself and putting away falsehood and loving with that sincere brotherly love that Peter speaks of in the first chapter of his first letter, verse 22.
I might just post some of what I'm learning in the Word and have people go check it out when they want to know. That might be kind of fun.
Any thoughts?