Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Information Age

Well, it's been about a month since I've posted anything. I think I tend to get a bit overwhelmed by living in the information age and trying to keep up with the Joneses. All this stuff is going on with Facebook, MySpace, Orkut, Blogs, e-mails, etc. It's crazy! I want to be purposeful with how I spend my time. I often feel bad because I don't respond to folks as much as I'd like to. A bunch of my high school friends have looked me up on MySpace. Sometimes I forget to let them know that I'm really there behind the computer screen.

I haven't even mentioned the bombardment of other forms of information. We have the news to read, Christian books to read, magazines to read, our Bibles to read, Christmas letters to read, the classics to read, poetry to read, articles to read and on and on. Plus we've got to be listening to the latest sermons by the latest pillars of the Christian community. Sometimes I think I can't even think. How's that for ironic...thinking you can't think? We do live in the information age (maybe we're moving away from it I don't know).

So I've been thinking about what kind of "age" I long to live in. I know the real answer is heaven but surely there are some things that can change, some decisions to be made that will be helpful in clearing out some space so I can at least think. I've heard that President Lincoln "read less and thought more" than any man in his position. I want to be a deep thinker so I can be a deep influencer for God's Kingdom. I'm praying for wisdom in this but for now I have to go check my e-mail...

1 comment:

The Bearded said...

If you only knew how much I agree and relate to this post. wow. The lack of media overseas is one of the appeals of living abroad for me.

Stateside, I'm not sure what the answer is. More often than not I find myself traveling to Aggieville to escape the tv at home...but that's often just to get a better internet connection.