Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

That's right, another Valentine's Day. I just threw a surprise birthday party for my wife last Friday (she turned 26). For some reason I thought that I didn't have to plan too much for Valentine's Day because I had put some much time and effort into the birthday party. At any rate, Maris asked me yesterday what we were doing. So today I'm planning away at the last minute.

Every year during Valentine's Day I think about love. What is true love? It doesn't seem like many people really experience true love. People are always breaking up or getting divorced. We're always hurting eachother and getting hurt in one way or another. I love my wife very much but I often do or say hurtful things. It's at this point that I'm reminded to look to the thoughts about love that are in the Scriptures.

If you want to check out some thoughts from the Scriptures then go to the following links.
description of true love
Jesus' own words
the origin of love
husbands and wives
the two greatest commandments

1 comment:

j & h said...

It's easy to get married, and lose passion. Day-to-day is practical ,formulaic, and sometimes it wears you down, I've found it's easy to forget about being in love and romantic with someone who you sleep with every night and share the same bathroom with -- I hear people talk about appreciaiting your spouse and Iremember that I should cherish her.