Friday, July 28, 2006

Maris' Masterpiece

My wife painted these. She is very creative. Of course she wanted me to put them up with the lines going vertically and I misunderstood and made the lines horizontal. She likes it for now but I assure you, they will be vertical before you know it.


Anonymous said...

Go Maris! They are lovely.

Carmen said...

She sure is creative! I love that in the midst of everything, she has taken time to play. Way to cheer her on!

Anonymous said...

Virtical lines often draw the eye downword or upword (naturally) and horizontal lines respectively draw the eye to the left of to the right. The way that the lines are arranged in the picture is the best way (design wise) to have them because each individual painting leads the eye to the next painting, which in turn leads to the next, creating from multiple pieces one unified composition. Ben, I put my full support behind the way you have arranged the paintings. It's very fitting that Maris painted them, and you arranged them, but together you and she created a wonderfully brilliant masterpiece! The two halves come together to make something that is greater than the sum of the parts! I love you guys.